Back in the 80s I had a ZX81, Acorn Electron, Commodore 64, and then Amigas. I loved programming in BASIC but only dabbled briefly in Z80 and 6502 assembler. I was addicted to the quick-fix of high level languages, which sufficed for my various proofs-of-concept. I wasn’t working on a project that needed speed, and […]
Er… lang?
After many years of saying “I think I should learn functional programming” I am finally taking the plunge with Erlang. I feel like a guy who finally buys that cool leather jacket only to discover it really doesn’t suit him. But it was expensive so it will stay in the wardrobe forever in the hope […]
Understand > Use
“I understand things I’ve not yet used, but I’ve not used things I didn’t understand.”
PowerShell Hashing
Simply so I know where to find this easily, next time I need it… But don’t use it for storing passwords!
TypeScript, best of both worlds
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which allows you to benefit from static-typing checks at build time. However, it still ‘transpiles’ to standard JavaScript for execution, where type checking is not enforced by the runtime and ‘duck testing’ is commonly used instead. Types are inferred, so an object can satisfy a check against an interface […]
Sometimes you just want to cram something into a single expression rather than write a code block with multiple instructions. Don’t you? JavaScript PowerShell Enterprise For a better example of how to do this, please see FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition
The see-sawing barriers of entry
Once upon a time, every man and his dog was a website designer. ‘Good ones’ used Dreamweaver. You could call yourself a website developer if you hand-coded your HTML and CSS, and knew what JS stood for. Most of these developers learnt jQuery instead of JS and barely knew the difference. To create a web app today […]
Anaemic Data Model vs Rich Data Model. I’m gonna keep this simple. I’m not going to enter into a lengthy debate with myself. I’m not going to support my opinion by quoting other TLAs as if their mere existence bestows inarguable acceptance. These are my words on my domain – my opinion – and that […]
Pattern: “Functional String Building”
I don’t do functional programming as a rule. Maybe I should. As it is I merely flirt with it now and then. Here is one pattern that I have definitely settled on, and that I think everyone should use. Functional string building. When you finish reading this there should be no excuse for ugly old imperative […]
Dancing with tiers in my eyes
Software is a many-layered thing. And within each tier you’ll find further sub-layers – multiplying out like a fractal zoom. Like the OSI model, some layers are more interesting than others – depending on personal preference. I personally get a kick out of building frameworks and tools; more so than user-level apps. There’s enough variety in […]
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